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10 Reasons Why Free Websites Are A Mistake

Free websites are tempting especially when we want to save a few bucks. Turns out the term “free” ends up being more expensive than we thought because of all of their limitations clients end up paying more money. 

  1. Very slow servers

Once the content is up and running you will soon realize how slow the server will become. This is not good for first-time users when trying to visit your site. 

  1. Bad domains

Free websites will make you have a domain that includes which makes it look very unprofessional and unreliable. 

  1. Selling your personal information

These website services have to make money eventually to remain in business which makes it really easy for them to sell your email and website to other companies. 

  1. WordPress is unavailable 

Free websites forbid the usage of WordPress which makes it harder to write and plan any blog content on your site. 

  1. Exposure to hacking 

Free websites lack good security which makes it really easy for anyone to steal and change anything there is on your site and makes it hard to recover any information. 

  1. Limited designs

What makes a website stand out is the design, distribution, and attributions. In free website servers, there are very limited things you can do and change. 

  1. No customer service 

There is no help from anyone when having a free site so pretty much you will be on your own with very limited access to your site. 

  1. No branded Email.

This means you cannot create email accounts with your domain which will make everything harder to work with and unprofessional looking. 

  1. No statistics

There will be no reliable way to know the growth and traffic of your site when having a free website. Google Analytics is a big no for them!

  1. No setup redirects 

The redirection will maintain your SEO Scores which are not allowed on any free sites. Even if you pay someone along the way this is something that won’t be permitted. 

In conclusion, free sites are not even good to practice as mockups. The best way to earn money is to look for a site that is affordable yet not free. A website is primordial to any business and starting off on the wrong foot might affect your business in the long run.

MAD Monkey Media, LLC
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