Tips On How To Create The Perfect Promotional Calendar
Creating a calendar for all your promotions is key to staying organized, and in turn, staying organized is the key to running successful promotions! There are three big things a promo calendar will help you with: Keeping track of holidays and events to plan sales and promotions around.
We will share some tips we have found helpful in our Mad Monkey Media promotional calendar here.
Define your goals
Knowing what you want to accomplish within your goals. Is it gaining new leads? Earning Sales? Anything that you want to set as a goal before anything. This calendar is to help you establish and accomplish everything you need for you or your business so do not forget to always have a starting and ending goal.
Identify your marketing strategies
This can include Email strategies, social media content, marketing, etc. When you identify your marketing strategies, you’ll know what to plan for on your marketing calendar. Have in mind what type of strategies you would like to share with your audience before anything. Not all marketing strategies work for every business so study and learn what is the best marketing strategy for YOUR business.
Establish your target audience
This is very important because this is who is going to be your consumers. This can be identified by age, race, gender, and more. When you have this identified you will succeed in your business. It wouldn’t be worth it if you are sharing things that are of unimportance to your audience. For example, if the majority of your audience are men then it would not be interesting to hear any female tips.
Identify important dates
Very important in the calendar if not the most important thing. All holidays and special occasions have to be organized here so you can start promotions with a month of anticipation at least and get your audience familiar with your promotions. This is why having a promotional calendar is very important. Never miss out on an opportunity to stand out with holiday promotions more than your competitors.
Identify how long projects within your campaign will take
Now that you know what strategies you’re using, you can start thinking about the type of campaigns you’re running. As you gather ideas for your campaign and get excited to put them on the calendar, think about how long the projects will take. The time usually depends but a campaign that lasts 2 weeks to a month is usually a good length of time because it gives your audience time to identify it and yet not get bored and overwhelmed by it.
If you’re ready to start planning and getting your digital marketing calendar in shape, MAD Monkey Media is here to help. Create The Perfect Promotional Calendar Right Away To Help In Your Business! We know how to better help you choose the right marketing strategies and organize your campaigns to maximize effectiveness. Don’t forget to ask any questions you may still have about how to create your promotional calendar.
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